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Message from the Principal

To our Drauden Point Panther community, we want to welcome you to our family.

It is very important to us that we place emphasis on providing an environment that promotes students' growth and development.

We are intentional in preparing our students for their next chapter, which starts with the very first relationship that is built at DPMS.

Drauden Point is a safe, encouraging, and respectful environment that takes pride in building relationships that help everyone with the support they need to be successful.

I am honored and truly grateful to work alongside a dedicated staff that makes sure they value and understand how impactful they can be every day.

The middle school years are essential in helping students navigate during a time in their lives when they are learning who they are, what is important to them, and why positive choices are so important.

School and community must work together to ensure that our students are aware and mindful during these formative years of their lives. We welcome you as you are to Drauden and we are here to support you in any way we can.

Principal Kai Freeman


Drauden Point Middle School
Mindful. Intentional. Empowered.